Well, that’s nice! Beautiful weather yesterday and the predictions for Monday are to cry about. And what will I be doing on King’s Day? Selling my stuff at the flea market! Shoot, what a pity. But anyway, we’ll make the best of it. My friend Renate will be there, we’ll bring some nice snacks, wear our warm coats… By now I have a guest room full of stuff for the market and this weekend I’ll go through the house again to see what else can go. The attic harbors plenty of treasures and I should probably check all the cupboards again, have a last look around in the shed…
Last weekend I took my PC downstairs and put it on the dining room table (that I hardly ever use). And I must say, I like it! I want to start getting used to living in one space, and this way I only have to go upstairs for sleeping or doing laundry. I find it really convenient. Why didn’t I do this before? It’s more cozy. I have everything I need at hand and I save paper, since I don’t have to print out recipes now that I can read them off the screen. I also use Spotify regularly now, which is ideal! I say: it’s a win-win :)
But now about that flea market: it’s in Noord-Scharwoude, in the playground and it kind of looks like this:

When the weather is nice, that is. So should you be thinking: “I don’t have anything better to do and I would like to meet that crazy lady with her ridiculous plans, in the flesh”, now is your chance hahaha!
Who is going to help me sell everything?!! Help get Marjolein into her Tiny House!! ;)
Happy King’s Day everybody!
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