My blogging activities are at a low level at the moment. I’ve been incredibly busy these past few weeks, and I’m looking forward to taking it easy for a while. How about a vacation! That’s coming soon; I just have to hang in there a little bit.
Of course it’s great that things are going so well with my work. I can actually make a living. But I’m working 6 days a week, up to 12 hours a day. And I’m also still volunteering a lot for Tiny House Nederland. I’ve noticed it’s beginning to get the best of me. I’m finding it increasingly difficult to let go of my work and need to remind myself to actually schedule free time. Isn’t that weird? I never thought I would become this close to being a workaholic. But like I said, that vacation is on its way and then I’m actually letting go of everything and will celebrate my vacation. I’m going to the USA in August!

This year we’re organising a Tiny House Nederland Jamboree, and it’s kept me really busy lately. This is going to be a really cool event we’ve been planning in collaboration with BouwEXPO Tiny Housing Almere, on the terrain of the BouwEXPO in Almere Poort. In this blogpost from Tiny House Nederland youcan read all about it. I’ve been wanting to organise a Tiny House Nederland Jamboree for two years now, and this year it’s actually going to happen. In order to find inspiration I wanted to visit the Tiny House Jamboree in Colorado that would take place in August. Sadly, barely after buying my ticket to Denver the Jam got rescheduled to October in Texas. I couldn’t cancel my ticket anymore, although I could rebook it. I could’ve gone to the Jamboree in Texas, but that isn’t until the Jamboree in the Netherlands has already taken place. So it wouldn’t be of much use to go get inspired for the Dutch Jamboree. Maybe for next year it would’ve been useful, but to be honest I was pretty much fed up. The communication about moving the event was a little clumsy, I must say. So instead I decided to fulfill my long desired dream of visiting New Orleans, and make it a two-week vacation!

Whoop whoop, USA here I come! And of course I can’t leave without visiting Nashville; that city must be awesome too. A good place to jam, by the way. I’m also going to see Memphis! When I told a friend about my plans, he said, ‘I want to come with you!’. So it’s the two of us now, lots of fun! It’s pretty shocking how much a trip like this costs. We’re going for 16 days, we’ve booked AirBnB’s and will be renting a car. If I hadn’t already bought that Denver ticket for the Jamboree, I wouldn’t have booked a trip like this right now. I’ve only just begun to work for myself! But maybe this was meant to be, and darn it, I’ve worked hard enough for this. (See how I’m defending my life choices again? How lame is that ;) )

In the meantime I’m really busy with the organisation of our Jam. I’ve found six really motivated volunteers with a whole lot of experience and a few weeks ago we had our first meeting. Turns out you can have a decent meeting of 7 people in a Tiny House! Tiny, how so? Roy Mosterd has designed a stunning logo for us and the first sponsors have already signed up. I’m regularly deliberating with the BouwEXPO team and I’m trying to get a few extra Tiny Houses to the Jam. That isn’t just for the jam by the way. In October there’s a public manifestation on the BouwEXPO Tiny Housing, and the Tiny House Nederland Jamboree is part of that. There will already be a few Tiny Houses from the BouwEXPO, but we would love to have many more! At a Tiny House event you should be able to look at as many Tiny Houses as possible. I’m going to give it everything I can! Don’t forget to mark your calendars for October 7th!
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