Remember this one: the Wonderwash? And that I used it in combination with an old fashioned wringer to do my laundry at home? Well, that was all fun and games for a little while, but at a certain point that’s done, so to say. It’s time for plan B!

During an open house afternoon someone told me about the Movewasser 1— a small electrical washing machine that uses little power, and you can put the warm water in yourself. Or you can use it for cold washing. Because this machine doesn’t heat the water itself, it doesn’t use much electricity and that makes it suitable for an off-grid Tiny House. The people that told me about it were very happy with this machine! Conclusion: I ordered it too. I’m sorry Wonderwash, but you’re outta here!

About that Wonderwash. In itself it works ok, if your laundry isn’t too dirty. But it’s just a hassle and I’m busy enough as it is. The tripod was unstable and had to be reinforced with duct tape after only a short period. Getting my laundry through the wringer wasn’t really a success, it started rusting at the handle and more than once I would have brown stains on my laundry even before it was hanging on the clothes line. I also had trouble preventing the laundry from falling on the deck when guiding it through the wringer. It just wasn’t working well enough, let’s keep it at that.
A few days after my order a large box was delivered and suddenly I had a real washing machine in my house. I have to confess it was a little bit bigger than expected. It fitted in my tub and I’ve kept it there for a few days, but it’s pretty heavy to lift out. I don’t think it’s good for the machine to be carried around all the time and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t doing my back any favors. So I need to find another place to put it and I’ve already found a solution. I’m removing the scratching barrel for Hella and I’m having a case on wheels built for the washing machine. That way I can use it as a side table, and it will be upholstered so Hella can sharpen her nails. How clever is that! Three functions in one; perfect for a Tiny House.
When I was going to use the Movewasser 1 for the first time, I thought it would be fun to make videos of it. Now, I know they’re not at all very professional looking, but still.. they’re fun! In any case, video gives you a clear picture of how it worked. And especially what didn’t work…The machine is working fine, but don’t hang the drainpipe in a bucket. That means running back and forth replacing the bucket because it will flow over. It’s all pretty straight forward: put the laundry in, set the water level (I set it to low), fill it with about 25 liters of warm (or cold) water, and turn the machine on. At a certain point you’ll need to add clean water for the rinse cycle. It works! And it doesn’t use that much power: 180 watts for washing and 160 watts for spin-drying.
The detergent from Zerah is really great, it smells so good! It cleans the laundry and it’s ecological. Just the packaging makes me happy, let alone the smell of freshly washed laundry in my house! The girls from Zerah are great and they offer more fantastic household and care products. I’m not getting paid for recommending them or anything, but they deserve a little attention. Go check out their website!
I’m waiting for a sunny day to do another load, so I can hang the laundry outside to dry. Luckily I’m not producing that much dirty laundry by myself. I think it’s a big step forwards that I can even wash my bedsheets! It’s such a blessing to be able to wash your own bedsheets at home. It’s nothing less than pure happiness when they are hanging on the washing line on one of those sunny autumn days. In the winter I’ll have to do my laundry at my friend’s house again because it will be too damp outside. I don’t mind though and I hope she doesn’t either. That’s just the exception. All in all I’m getting my things in order and that’s so cool! I call it small bliss, but actually it’s big bliss :)

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